
Migration Report

Its been a typical year waterfowl hunting in the northern valley. Started off with a bang if you had water early, but that only lasted for so long. We are now heading into the prime part of the season where the weather gets more intense and the cold starts to bring the birds down from the north. Please take a look at the updated DU Migration Map and find where your honey hole is and read up on the reports that have been reported in your area. It might be a cliche but it holds true...."if you don't go, you never know"  get out there and stack them up while you can!!  Click on title of post to view an interactive map with reports. 


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Duck Camp

Here at Merlo Waterfowl Company, we cherish the times spent with friends and family telling passed stories around the camp fire. No beach or resort can compare to good old fashion duck camp. Please share your stories with us to keep the tradition of duck camp rolling on for generations to come!!  Click on title of post to read a great article on duck camp!!

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